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Memorial Day weekend 2016

What a crazy year we've had weather-wize. Hardly any snow this year, and the temperatures surely were not as bbbrrrrr as they've been in recent years. Then there was the 80 degree weather in March that turned into a late freeze in early April, effectively smashing the heirloom azaleas and hydrangeas. That left us with a not-so-pretty, very late azalea season, and the hydrangeas have started over. So many buds had begun to form on their old wood, which got zapped, so I suspect the pretty old southern hydrangeas will be lots of leaves and little bloom this year. I guess we can thank the stars for a few hybrids here and there!

We'll be planting this weekend, but the big deal will be cleaning and re-staining our 1100 sf behemoth of a deck. The deck is Stephen's job... I'll be sanding, priming and painting all of the wrought iron furniture.

earlysville va planting pots for deck and cleaning staining

earlysville, va Spring garden ready for planting

charlottesville va, garden and deck prep

The real estate business locally is a little nuts. Inventory is ludicrously low, so any well-priced city property flies off the market. I'm delighted about it when I've been the listing agent, and I'm thrilled to have the Memorial Day weekend with no pressing business, so we can do our chores. Hoping beyond hope that the weather holds and we can spend Monday on the kayaks on the Reservoir.

Just a few more photos... the front gardens (torn apart after 25 years and re-built, now entering their 2nd year... coming in nicely!

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